Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I packed all my personality quirks, too

Where ever you go, there you are.

Turns out, I am still me and many of the ditches I get myself into are very familiar. Building a business did not change that. Becoming a mom did not change that. Traveling to a different country did not change that. In fact, each event shifts in just the right way to highlight some particular edge. Although there are subtle sparkling alterations with each inch forward, and transformation available in every second, the act of being human is a physical one. And sometimes physical things fall down even as they are held up by angels.

(Don't worry - George also packed all his personality quirks - we remain a good match.)


clairehelene7 said...


Courtney said...

I love reading your blog Elaine! And this entry made me grin very widely. Thanks for sharing! And you're perfect, quirks and all!

Andrea said...

Those are also the best of you! Our eccentricities go both ways. I hope you never intrinsically change, but instead grow into an even more amazing woman. <3